Craft Room Hutch Reveal

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

I’ve had several readers ask me what my craft room looks life. Quite frankly, it looks like a bomb has gone off. LOL! I really just haven’t had the time to start transforming it into what I want it to be since we moved in a year ago so right now it’s really messy and un-organized. Recently, I’ve tried to get more organized and started with the Craft Room Hutch. This is what it looks like so far…

I’m loving all the color and how it’s looking so far, but the room itself still has a long ways to go.

I’m hoping soon I will have more time to work on it, but we’ll see. More than anything I’m just so glad I found the piece last year right before we moved. It was a Craigslist find – real wood, 4 pieces and $60. I couldn’t turn it down. The hubby was skeptical but helped me paint and transform it.

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

{Unfortunately, I’m a yay-hoo and didn’t take a pic of the hutch all together before we painted!!}

We took everything apart, painted, poly-ed, and added new hardware. We also knocked out the cabinet paneling and added some bead board there. Looks so much better painted, wouldn’t you agree?

After we painted it I slowly looked for bins to put in each slot. I wasn’t able to find anything until earlier this year. I found some cute chevron bins at Target and slowly started purchasing them. I had to get $18 and even on sale they weren’t cheap so I bought only a few at a time. After several months I was able to get all 18 I needed. Although all the bins aren’t filled I recently decided to label the bins using some dies from Lifestyle Crafts.

It was really easy to do.

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

{The rest of the Label It Dies}

Using a few of the LABEL IT dies, I punched out my shapes.

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

From there I stamped the letters for the labels onto each circle. {I like the look of stamped letters.} πŸ™‚

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

Then I glued them together and stuck them to each bin using my Glue Spots.

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

Labeled and Organized!

I know I’ve mentioned this before but I LOVE being organized…. like LOVE, LOVE it!! It gives me a giddy, euphoric feeling. I know that’s probably weird, but it makes me smile to be a little organized in a chaotic life – lol!!

Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

I still have a long ways to go finishing off the rest of the room but glad I have at least one project mostly finished. πŸ™‚

I’m pretty happy with how the hutch, bins and labels have turned out so far.

If you would like to learn more about the dies I used you can go to Lifestyle Crafts and what’s even better is you can get 20% off your Lifsetyles Craft Order just by using the COUPON CODE: LUNA


Craft Room Hutch Tutorial on { } Great way to organize all your craft items!!

Now I’m on to the rest of the craft room…eventually… πŸ˜‰

Which makes me wonder – do you have a craft room? If yes, is it super organized or super messy? And if no, would you want a craft room or do you not care to have one?

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For all Organization ideas on the site go HERE.

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Kristyn Merkley

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  1. That is beautiful!!! I love the Target chevron bins. I have two at home and they are my favorite. Can’t wait to see the rest of your room. ; )

  2. I don’t know how to describe my love for it, other than–it looks like a party! πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks, Steph! That’s what I like to think of it as – a party!! Hoping to get the rest of the craft room like that too soon. πŸ˜€

  3. I have a craft space in our play room. I wish I could take over the whole room but I haven’t convinced my hubby to get rid of his eye sore of a computer desk just yet. Where did you get those precious cans on the bottom of your hutch? I want to get some to put on my shelf to hold scissors and other accessories.

    1. Thanks, Katie!! I got the cans at Target after Easter when they were on Clearance for a buck… knew I wanted them before Easter was over and was happy to get them for half the price the Monday after. πŸ™‚

  4. I have a craft part of the living room that I share with the husband’s music/ stomp box making part of the living room. Right now it’s a half and half of tidy and somewhat neat and a bomb is in the process of going off with ground zero being in front of the computer. One day i hope to have a whole large space to work in complete with press, inking table, etching space and if I’m lucky dark room and photo studio. I like to dream big since my real life budget is super limited.

    I love the hutch by the way, if it were mine I would have painted it hot strawberry red with lime green accent or vice versa but that’s just me.

  5. I craft in a corner of the guest room/gym/office in our home. The room is pretty much a mess (luckily we never have guests!) I would love to give it all a more cohesive look and install some great storage like you have done here. Great job!!

  6. Kristyn, I’m totally a ya-hoo as well and forget to take pictures! It makes me so mad! I feel your pain;) I’m in the middle of redoing my craft room as well and have been trying to organize my shelf since MOther’s Day! Ridiculous, I know! Anyways, your craft hutch is darling! I saw it on instagram and am still loving it, maybe even more, is that possible?! Have a super fun day…and I hope you don’t get locked out of your house today;)ha! Smiles, Jill

  7. Now that is a CRAFT ROOM hutch :o) LOVE the bright colors, love the chevron & how it pulls in the rug being in both spots!

  8. OOH!! I love it! So bright and colorful! AND organized!!! Excited to see this finished room sometime! πŸ™‚

  9. LOVE your super organized hutch!! Those bins!– Oh My Goodness! I have a somewhat organized room (pics on my blog). It goes through stages of being super messy and then super organized…depending on the day. Will definitely check out the Lifestyle Crafts! Thanks for sharing part of your room πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Lisa. I definitely go in waves too being messy and organized. Maybe one day I will be completely organized… then again, I have 3 little ones, so maybe not – haha! πŸ˜€

  10. I can’t even tell you how badly I want this! I have been searching for something like that hutch to makeover for my craft room. I want something with a work space too because I don’t have much room to work with. I also fell in love with those bins at Target! Chevron is the best. Speaking of chevron, where did you find that adorable rug?

    1. Hey girl!! Let me tell ya – I was STOKED To have found this hutch on craigslist!! It’s been awesome!! And I got the rug at I believe for like $80. It’s awesome! πŸ˜€

  11. This is so darling! I’m just about to re-do our “catch all” room. You are giving me food for thought! Blessings to you πŸ˜‰

  12. That is absolutely fabulous!! I LOVE love love being organized too. Sadly, I just can’t keep up with everything my crazy house of boys brings so I’m not as organized as I’d like to be. And I would give anything to have a craft room, but I don’t think that will every happen…. Sad….

  13. That is an amazing hutch! I love the fun colors that you used in your craft room! I have a semi organized room that is super dusty:-) I suppose I should do something about that…someday:-)

    1. LOL – someday is my new favorite word. It’s hard to find time to do the things you would like to do when you have a busy life and kiddos. I’m sure you’ll get there… someday. Haha! πŸ˜€

  14. Ok, you are the third person that has blogged about using this cool cutting machine. I really have to check this out. I am in love with your craft hutch. It looks amazing. I would love if you linked them up to Show Off Monday @ on Monday.


    1. Thanks, Angie!! Not even sure if they still sell them… I saw similar ones at Target but I think they were striped.

  15. I absolutely LOVE this! It is beyond cute, I am about to start redoing my room and have been looking for this color green EVERYWHERE but cannot find the right color. Is there any way you remember what it is called?

  16. I love this hutch so much that yesterday I told my mom to be on the lookout for a similar set- she works at a furniture consignment store! That day she checked the inventory and they had 2 similar hutches that just came in!! And funny thing they are $60 as well! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Beautiful hutch. Did you paint the chevrons onto the containers and what kind of containers are they?
