Never Give Up…

Never give up what you want most, for what you want today FREE print. Use as decor in a frame or it would make a great gift.

Happy Sunday, friends!!

I know I do not normally post on Sundays, but that will be changing starting today.

On the first Sunday of each month, I will be sharing an inspiring Printable quote for you guys to print and use in your homes and projects. I’ll also be sharing some more prints from friends around Blog Land hoping that these quotes lift you, inspire you, and help you to become a little bit better. 😉 I mean, who couldn’t use  a little more inspiration? I know I can! This next quote is one I originally saw via Pinterest and immediately loved.

“Never give up what you want MOST, for what you want TODAY.” – Neal A Maxwell

What does it mean?

I think it can mean a lot of different things, but for me it means to keep the end goals in site – ALWAYS! I think in this world we get so distracted with the wants in life AND with what we want RIGHT NOW, that we often forget what is most important in the end. I, more than anything, want to make sure I always have my priorities straight and my life goals in mind. If I do this, daily decisions will be easier and life should be happier if I make sure those goals and priorities don’t get clouded by the wants of today. I created this print in a few different colors…

Never give up what you want most, for what you want today FREE print. Use as decor in a frame or it would make a great gift.

Never give up what you want most, for what you want today FREE print. Use as decor in a frame or it would make a great gift.

Never give up what you want most, for what you want today FREE print. Use as decor in a frame or it would make a great gift.


 Just click on the image you want above, and then RIGHT-CLICK and SAVE. Then open it in a program like WORD, RE-SIZE and PRINT.

 For more great prints shared by some of my friends today, be sure to check out:

Faith in God includes Faith in His Timing Print. Stick in a frame and give as a gift or use as decor.

Faith in God includes Faith in His timing on I Heart Naptime

Keep Trying, Be Believing Print. Inspiring words! Stick in a frame and use as decor or give as a gift.

Keep trying, Be Believing…. on 30 Days

Whoso Believeth in God print. An inspiring quote to use as a decor or give as a gift.

Whoso Believeth in God on Simple as That

I LOVE all these quotes!

For all church projects and prints here on the site go HERE.

For all FREE prints go HERE.

And get weekly emails with monthly freebies by signing up for the Lil’ Luna newsletter. 🙂

For even more great ideas follow me on FacebookPinterestInstagramTwitterPeriscope.

ENJOY, and Happy Sunday!


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Kristyn Merkley

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  1. Just now getting around to reading this post. The timing is PERFECT. I’m having do to chemo again. I just finished chemo seven months ago with my second bout of breast cancer and thought I was finished (for a long time anyway) and they just now found a new small tumor. So after 7 months of rest-traveling, enjoying life, growing my hair back…here’s we go again. I’m not mad at God-NEVER has that been an issue. I was just discouraged and heartbroken. I’m 40 years old and this doesn’t seem fair. I KNOW that there’s a purpose and a reason for this suffering. God will be glorified!!! He’s healed me twice and I know He can again!!

    Although, we have different beliefs (I’m Southern Baptist) I don’t let that stop me from enjoying, loving and appreciating your blog! In fact, it’s one of my favorites!

    These printables come just in time and I can’t wait to print a few!

    So THANKS!
    Heidi Fergusin