My kids LOVE their DIY Marshmallow Guns!! My sister made them for my kids, and every day they ask to have a Marshmallow Gun Fight. We may have had a few in the last week and I’m still randomly finding marshmallows through out the house.
I convinced her to do a tutorial for you guys so that you could make some too. They are so cheap to make and can be customized by the color you paint them. AND they make great gifts! In fact, I wanted to try and save these guns to give for Christmas, but just had to give them early so we could have a little fun before the 25th!
These Marshmallow Guns are so simple and will definitely be loved by the kids. Here is what you’ll need to make them:
14 inches in ½″ SCH40 pvc pipe
PVC cutters
Spray paint, gloss or semi gloss
Latex gloves
½″ PVC fittings:
(2) ½″ Elbows
(1) ½″ Tee
(1) ½″ Coupling
(1) ½″ Cap
1. Gather your materials at a nearby hardware store. Both Lowes and Home Depot sell the pvc fittings individually or in packs of 10. Be sure to grab an oil base spray paint so that you can put your mouth on the gun (once its dried for a week).
2. Cut your pvc as follows; (3) 2″ pieces, (1) 3″ piece and (1) 4″ piece. We’ve used a pvc cutter (around $10) or a saw. The pvc cutter will give you a smoother finish. You can cut the piece longer if you would like a larger gun. We found that these sizes worked perfect for small kids. Otherwise it might be too hard for them to blow out the marshmallows.
3. Begin with a two inch piece and connect an elbow fitting. This 2″ pvc piece is where you will insert the mallow and will serve as your mouthpiece. Add another 2″ piece to the other end of your elbow piece. Add your second elbow fitting to the 2nd 2″ piece. Attach the last 2″ piece to other elbow opening. Next will come your tee and then your 4″ pvc out the other straight end, finished with the coupling fitting (this is where the marshmallow will come out). Connect the 3″ piece to the bottom of the tee and complete with the cap (this will serve as your handle). Be sure that all pieces are pushed tightly together.
4. Before you begin spray painting, you’ll want to make sure that you have a spot to hang the gun to dry. Anything with a hook, where you can set the mouth piece opening on. It will need at least 24 hours to dry.
5. Spray the tip of the gun first (the coupling, where the marshmallow will exit). Let dry.
6. With a latex glove on, insert your index finger into the coupling opening. This will allow you hold the gun while spraying all the different angles of your gun. Hang to dry. Your gun should be dry within 24 hours.
*For a cute gift idea, attach a small bag of marshmallows. For a fun white elephant gift, include two guns with a bag of marshmallows. My husband and I (6 years into marriage) spent a date building, then shooting mallow guns. It was the best date we’ve ever had!
For more great gifts my kids love, check out these:
SO many great ideas for kids. Hope you like some of them!
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Marshmallow guns are so fun. What a great gift idea!
I thought this was a great idea and just spent $50+ so my kids could make a bunch of these as gifts. Unfortunately, I purchased the dimensions listed on your website and the 1″ pipe was way too large. I now have a gun that looks nothing like the one on your blog, doesn’t shoot marshmallows, and some VERY disappointed kids.
Gretchen, This is Kristyns sister, Kellyn. I wrote up this post and cant explain how Sorry I am for the mistake. The size you need is 1/2″ not 1″ (Kristyn has corrected it on the site :)). I’ve made hundreds of these guns and feel so silly for the error! I blame it on the late hour or maybe my lack in the math and numbers department. Either way, Im kicking myself for it! What a great idea to have your kids do these as gifts! Im sure they were really disappointed. Ive called around to stores and, if you havent painted them, all pieces are returnable except the cut pvc pipe, which luckily is very cheap (under $1). I know going to the store again isnt the most convenient, but thankfully this is an easy fix! I hope I didnt put a wrench in what is supposed to be the happiest time of year!
I had the same experience as Gretchen, marshmallows are either to big or small (regular or mini) spent over $20, doesn’t look like the blog, is it possible the dimensions are off? Glad I hadn’t showed the kids yet.
Did you use 1″ or 1/2″ pipes?
My hubby and I just made two of these mallow guns for our granddaughters, one has a birthday coming up and we thought it would be a fun gift. Surprised at what a quick and easy project this was for the two of us. Hubs demonstrated how they work before I spray painted them…yup they work great! Ouch! Thanks for such a thorough tutorial. Easy to follow. Love the idea of painting them custom colors, the grands will love them!
How do you “load” them?